POM Project Wins EHSS Audit “Green Flag”

Recently,  the POM Project undertaken by SNEI won the “Green Flag” during the EHSS audit in  Q2 2016 by SABIC.

EHSS  audit is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by SABIC on a quarterly basis for  ongoing projects in terms of environment, health, safety and security. As a  result of the evaluation in Q2 2016, the POM Project ranks No. 1 among all  ongoing projects of SABIC, and was given the “Green Flag”.

Since  the commencement in the end of 2014 till now, the project management team has  strictly adhered to relevant EHSS policies and commitments by the company and  client, and strictly implemented various measures, and as of Aug. 2016, 10  million safe man-hours were achieved. The award by the client demonstrates the  safe, orderly and controlled state of the project, which also shows client’s  recognition and encouragement for the work by the project management, which  brings a positive reference for future marketing in the  Kingdom.
