Successful Lifting for Reactor of Liquid-phase Diesel Hydrotreating Unit of SINOPEC Anqing Company

On  May 17, lifting operations were successfully completed for the new hydrogenation  reactor of the upgrading and revamp project of the 2.2 million t/a liquid-phase  diesel hydrogenating unit of SINOPEC Anqing Company. It is the first heavy  equipment lifting for the diesel hydrogenation revamp project, and it is also  the first equipment to be field erected.

The  new hydrogenation reactor is a piece of vertical equipment that weighs about 340  tons. It was lifted as a piece of pre-assembled equipment. As the whistle blew,  the main crane and the tailing crane started lifting. The main crane slowly  lifted the equipment till it is upright, and the tailing crane slowly released  the hook. Then, the main crane walked steadily and slowly till the reactor was  put into place.

Upon  completion of the lifting operations, the Client measured the plumbness of the  reactor, and praised the erection precision for the reactor. The Client gave  positive recognition on the achievements made by the project management team,  and said that during the lifting operations, all personnel performed their duty  well, so that the whole lifting process was performed successfully in an orderly  fashion. The client highly recognized the standardized lifting performance of  SNEI.
