Key Milestone of Saudi Arabia North Utility Project Achieved

On  April 20, the main substation of utility project in the north part of Saudi  Arabia was available for being energized, which symbolized the completion of key  milestone. In order to achieve this target, the development of punch-lists for  all buildings within the substation were completed without any delay, the  construction points by disciplines of civil works, E&I, HVAC, waterproof and  firefighting were well coordinated, and tasks were broken down in terms of day  and working team. Outside the substation, E&I professionals realized the  cable laying plan, arranged and coordinated the professional construction plans  for the lineup of steel structure piperacks, laying of cable trays, cable  trenches and others. April 20 is a target of working hard and also a driving  force which push professionals of all disciplines to forge ahead.  

In  order to reach the target of being energized, the main managerial personnel of  project management team and all construction companies jointly made the  determination of “Party Member Leaders Set the Role Model and others follow”,  project management teams jointly endeavor to excel in performance. The key  construction companies signed Warrior``s Oath with project management team. The  construction companies organized various kinds of competition campaigns between  working teams , and  technical skills competition.

The  successful realization of the milestone is a reward to all participants involved  in the construction activities for their efforts over dozens of days, and also a  starting point leads to the completion of the main project.  
