President & CEO of Saudi Arabian Mining Company Visited Sinopec

          Recently,  the delegation of Khaled Bin Saleh Al Mudaifer, President & CEO, and Mugla, Senior  Vice President of Saudi  Arabian Mining Company and Saad, Executive Director of Saudi  Arabian northern projects visited Sinopec headquarters, Zhang Jianhua, Sinopec  Senior Vice President and Chairman of Sinopec Refining & Chemical (Group)  Co., Ltd, Xiang Wenwu, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Refining & Chemical  (Group) Co., Ltd, Xu Deqin, General Manager and Wu Jibo, Deputy General Manager  of Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Incorporation (SNEI) warmly received the  delegation.

Mr.  Al Mudaifer spoke highly of the outstanding performance of SNEI in the northern  sulfuric acid and utility projects, and expressed thanks to Sinopec senior  leaders for their support to the projects.

Mr.  Al Mudaifer explained the future development ideas of Saudi Arabian Mining  Company, and SNEI presented its capacity and performance in the aspect of  phosphorus chemicals and sulfuric industry chain to the delegation led by Mr. Al  Mudaifer. Both Parties made in-depth exchange of views on their cooperation  opportunities in the future.
