Expat workers are playing a more important role in SNEI’s international projects, as SNEI continues its rapid growth in the international market, where there are increasing project opportunities. By employing expat workers, it will avoid the problems related to using labor from China, such as high cost, difficulty mobilization and management problems, thus it will help reduce labor cost and increase the profit margin. To this end, SNEI’s Saudi Branch is beefing up efforts to utilize such international resources by employing expat workers from third countries with various skills utilizing block visas, and assigning them to the related construction branches of SNEI for training. As a result of on-site experiences, most of these expat workers have mastered certain level of professional skills, and are playing a more important role on the construction sites.
Training & performance evaluation. Trainings are conducted by each discipline during break time for expat workers in terms of theory and actual operation on site, and excellent workers are selected through skill evaluation and examination, which provides strong support for the building of expat teams. Under guidance by the Branch, the expat workers team building plan is prepared and successfully implemented, which comes with significant effect; skill trainings for expat workers team are also being conducted. As a next step, skill evaluation and examination will be held in order to select excellent workers to join the teams.
Team building. Through skill-oriented training, regular evaluation, examination and skill combination, team building is completed for the expat workers team. During the building, the quantity and scale of expat workers are growing in a spiral way from such training, who are gradually becoming a key part of the construction resources in the projects undertaken by SNEI in Saudi Arabia, which meets the schedule requirements, creates new profit margin, enhanced market competitiveness, and secures a long-term, healthy and stable growth for SNEI’s international business.