Report on Several Successful Hoisting Activities

On  June 14, installation of the tug towing winches for the purification dryers of  Jiangsu Honggang Petrochemical Project was completed. The 4 driers of the  Honggang PTA Project are the rotating equipment with weight about 380 tons each,  which is the single largest rotating equipment in the Project, and their  installation is difficult and accuracy of installation is also high. Each of the  4 tug towing winches of the two purification dryers installed this time weighs  about 30 tons. The site preparations had been well ready for the equipment  mobilization. After intense work for 2 hours, all the 4 towing winches were  successfully installed in place.

On  June 15, construction of the pipe rack steel structure of Dalian Hengli PTA  Project started by erecting its first upright column. Following it commenced the  silo cone by the Engineering Team, and within just 15 minutes, the silo cone was  seated firmly into the preformed holes. The safe and smooth completion of the  two hoisting tasks marked the official kick-off of the installation work of  Dalian Hengli PTA Project.

On  June 16, the Xylene column of the Hainan Refinery & Chemical Project,  referred to as “No. 1 Tower in Asia”, welcomed a smooth topping-out. With total  height of 126.45 meters and weighing up to 4011 tons (excluding the column  internals), the column was hoisted and erected in totally 9 sections,  characterized by “tall, heavy and over-sized” operations. Starting from hoisting  and erection of the first section on December 26, 2012, the entire hoisting and  erection work lasted 6 months in total. Thanks to concerted efforts of crew of  the Hainan Refinery & Chemical Project, who had overcome a host of  difficulties as limitations of construction site, and scorching climate of  Hainan, etc., the hoisting and erection were smoothly concluded. The successful  topping-out of the Xylene column had received high attention from SNEI, Client,  Design contractor, etc.
